State of fat | Diet and Exercise | Real Life Fitness | PhitZone

State of fat

Do you live in a fat state?

A recent report from the Trust for America’s Health shows that obesity in the U.S. is still climbing. This has been a drastic incline over the last twenty years.

Seven of the eight states, including Alabama, Tennessee, W. Virginia, Louisiana, Kentucky, Oklahoma and Arkansas, each have obesity rates over 30%.

Mississippi is the reigning champ. Six straight years at #1. That makes them the undisputed fatty capital of the U.S. Not surprising, “the Magnolia State” also comes in at number two for the highest rate of diabetes.

“This report shows that the country has taken bold steps to address the obesity crisis in recent years, but the nation’s response has yet to fully match the magnitude of the problem.” said Jeffrey Levi, executive director of the Trust for America’s Health

Education. A will to change. Determination. These are a few things that we need to have in order to reverse these trends.

Did you notice a pattern? Take a look at a map. The vast majority of the states on that list are clustered in the south/south east.

Southern cooking tastes really good. It appears there’s a price to pay for it though.

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3 Responses to “State of fat”

  1. cardiogirl says:

    I don’t live in a fat state (Michigan) but my personal research around town disputes that fact.

  2. I noticed that people in the South are slimmer than the North. Just from my experience. I think it’s because we have a lot of warm sunny days that keep up active. I’m also comparing it to Syracuse, NY, where it’s raining or cloudy 80% of the year, so most people stay inside and watch TV.

  3. Todd says:

    @cardiogirl- I understand. I was surprised that TX wasn’t in the top 10. San Antonio has a large number of… large people. It’s the flour tortillas.

    @Julie- The weather does make a difference. I know that when we lived in Seattle, we were still very active outdoors. In climates like that, if you’re afraid of getting wet, you aren’t going to do a whole lot.

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